Episode 35 | The #1 Misconception About The Pro-Choice Movement

Episode 35 | The #1 Misconception About The Pro-Choice Movement

Episode Synopsis: Before we enter a new era in the battle over abortion, we discuss the number one misconception about the pro-choice movement – and it may not be easy to hear. We share comments and tales from the pro-choice side, such as the pregnant abortionist who wrote about being “more interested than usual” in…

Episode 34 | What Now?

Episode 34 | What Now?

Episode Synopsis: What does a Biden/Harris administration mean for the pro-life movement? To answer this, we take a look back at Bill Clinton and Janet Reno’s campaign against the pro-life movement. This look at the Clinton years provides a warning of what to look out for, the progress that we’ve made and how all is…

Episode 33 | We Are The Resistance!

Episode 33 | We Are The Resistance!

Episode Synopsis: The waiting game for the results of the 2020 elections continues! We discuss the irony of the left’s pressure for Trump to concede after four years of #NotMyPresident and their confusion over the lack of riots from the right. We respond to calls from old school Republicans who wish to return the party…

Episode 28 | The Elections & Overturning Roe vs Wade

Episode 28 | The Elections & Overturning Roe vs Wade

Episode Synopsis: As the elections get closer, it’s important that pro-lifers understand that simply overturning Roe might not end legalized abortion. Plus, we explain how the Black vote will play a huge role in the 2020 election and the tremendous opportunity the pro-life movement has right now. Episode Duration: 34 min In This Episode We…