Episode 35 | The #1 Misconception About The Pro-Choice Movement

Episode Synopsis: Before we enter a new era in the battle over abortion, we discuss the number one misconception about the pro-choice movement – and it may not be easy to hear. We share comments and tales from the pro-choice side, such as the pregnant abortionist who wrote about being “more interested than usual” in…

Episode Synopsis:

Before we enter a new era in the battle over abortion, we discuss the number one misconception about the pro-choice movement – and it may not be easy to hear. We share comments and tales from the pro-choice side, such as the pregnant abortionist who wrote about being “more interested than usual” in re-assembling the fetal parts “since they would so closely resemble those of my own fetus;” a Planned Parenthood worker who claims to have “made peace” with her baby before having it aborted; and a medium who claims to have spoken to the spirits of aborted babies. Finally, we discuss on the importance of NEVER apologizing for being pro-life!

Episode Duration: 22 min

In This Episode We Discuss:
  1. Greetings (00:24)
  2. 2021 and a new era for the pro-life movement (01:19)
  3. A big misconception about the pro-choice movement (3:37)
  4. A pregnant abortionist’s bizarre tale (5:41)
  5. Clinic workers speak out (7:40)
  6. Planned Parenthood worker claims to have “made peace” with her baby before having it aborted (8:41)
  7. Medium speaks to aborted baby spirits? (12:21)
  8. The abortion holocaust vs the Nazi Holocaust (13:30)
  9. The debate over the use of graphic images (16:33)
  10. Never apologize for being pro-life! (18:20)
  11. Closing Statements (20:43)
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  1. Mark Koehler says:

    The person who says she was speaking with aborted babies is simply trying to make a quasi honest buck.

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