Episode 47 | States Declare War Against Abortion

Episode 47 | States Declare War Against Abortion

Despite conservatives not having control in the Oval Office and in the Senate, conservatives are not backing down in the fight against abortion. As mentioned in a Huffington Post article, a tidal wave of pro-life bills are being introduced by states. We discuss this and other victories. But as Sarah points out, we must be careful because Republican does not always mean pro-life.

Episode 35 | The #1 Misconception About The Pro-Choice Movement

Episode 35 | The #1 Misconception About The Pro-Choice Movement

Episode Synopsis: Before we enter a new era in the battle over abortion, we discuss the number one misconception about the pro-choice movement – and it may not be easy to hear. We share comments and tales from the pro-choice side, such as the pregnant abortionist who wrote about being “more interested than usual” in…

Episode 9: Is Planned Parenthood Trying To Become Part Of The Government?

Episode 9: Is Planned Parenthood Trying To Become Part Of The Government?

Episode Synopsis: Could Planned Parenthood be trying to become an agency of the government? Before you call us conspiracy theorists, listen to our proof that this is real and how this would be beneficial for them. Plus, we address the LA Times article which claims that a new documentary on FX will show that Norma…

Performance Issues: The Problem Of Mid & Late Term Abortions For Those Who Do Them

Performance Issues: The Problem Of Mid & Late Term Abortions For Those Who Do Them

Contrary to what the talking heads of the abortion lobby try to sell, late term abortions are a hidden dilemma for the abortion industry. This is by design. The abortion industry works hard to sell the utopia of choice, while hiding the grim reality like a skeleton in a closet. Because of this, virtually nothing…