Episode 70 | The Grisly Situation in Afghanistan

Episode 70 | The Grisly Situation in Afghanistan

In response to a question on one of our Instagram posts about what happens to the bodies of babies after abortion, we reveal the different ways abortion clinics have “disposed” of aborted babies. Plus, we discuss the abortion industry’s problem with waste disposal companies and the disgusting conditions and awful behaviors inside clinics. This episode proves that there is no such thing as humane disposal of these babies.

America Is Under Attack

America Is Under Attack

It would be easy to conclude that our country is teetering on the edge of total collapse. Riots. Looting. Tearing down statues. The cancel culture. The pandemic. Lawlessness. Chaos. Terror. At the heart of it all is the loss of the nation’s moral bearings. The fact that it is perfectly legal for a mom to…

Perspective On The Coronavirus

Perspective On The Coronavirus

Today, we are seeing our nation, and indeed the entire world, being attacked by the Coronavirus. Our environment is changing by the hour and where this is headed only God knows. We must pray for President Trump and the team of medical experts he has put together. But we must also not forget that the…



As we inch closer and closer to God’s wonderful gift of Himself and Christmas, it’s important for us to pause and reflect on why we fight so hard to end abortion.

Make America Moral Again

Make America Moral Again

“Make America Moral Again”, is a sentiment that many Americans could agree with. Should we listen to this advice? It depends on what the person meant by moral. Who is the mystery person that said the above quote? Oddly enough it was “Creepy” Joe Biden. On ABC’s “Good Morning America”, Biden responded when asked if…