As we inch closer and closer to God’s wonderful gift of Himself and Christmas, it’s important for us to pause and reflect on why we fight so hard to end abortion.
As we inch closer and closer to God’s wonderful gift of Himself and Christmas, it’s important for us to pause and reflect on why we fight so hard to end abortion.
Civil rights isn’t just about equality – it is about brotherhood.
“Make America Moral Again”, is a sentiment that many Americans could agree with. Should we listen to this advice? It depends on what the person meant by moral. Who is the mystery person that said the above quote? Oddly enough it was “Creepy” Joe Biden. On ABC’s “Good Morning America”, Biden responded when asked if…
Regardless of the sport, there is one thing that every coach and player knows… when you have your opponent down, you had better finish them off! Today, the abortion lobby is reeling. We’ve backed them into a corner and their only option is to come out swinging. We cannot and must not let them succeed.
Imagine a dream in which every American is forced to choose a side: pro-life or pro-abortion. No option to stand on the sidelines nor stand in the middle.
There is no doubt that a cultural civil war is brewing in America and at the heart of it is abortion. Is it a ticking time bomb ready to explode?
The reality is, every pro-lifer in America needs to be on their knees thanking God that Donald Trump is making this this next Supreme Court nomination.
Recently, the immigration issue has been at the forefront of U.S. politics, but neither side is talking about the cause of the problem.
On this inauguration day, a new day is dawning and our challenge becomes to repair the damage that’s been done to our country.
Religious leaders say that America’s underlying problem is that it has lost respect for life. But they fail to mention why & who’s responsible for it.