Episode 57 | CDC: A Snake Pit of Agendas

At a time when a growing number of American’s are beginning to doubt the honesty and motivations of the CDC, we reveal just what a snake pit of agendas it’s become – especially as it relates to abortion. When it comes to abortion industry disasters, cover-up is spelled “CDC.”

Episode Synopsis:

At a time when a growing number of American’s are beginning to doubt the honesty and motivations of the CDC, we reveal just what a snake pit of agendas it’s become – especially as it relates to abortion. We discuss how abortion morbidity and mortality stats have been manipulated, the CDC’s ties to the abortion industry, how the abortion lobby obscures the truth about the risks and potential aftermath of abortion and what all of this is costing taxpayers. This episode will show that when it comes to abortion industry disasters, cover-up is spelled “CDC.”

Episode Duration: 29 min

In This Episode We Discuss:
  1. Greetings (00:24)
  2. Discrepancies between CDC stats on abortion deaths vs what we found (1:58)
  3. How the data is manipulated (4:38)
  4. CDC’s manipulation of data on other issues (9:42)
  5. “Incestuous Citing” (13:50)
  6. Taxpayers footing the bill (16:48)
  7. The impact of the CDC’s agenda (20:44)
  8. The abortion industry’s “A-B-C Trick” (22:16)
  9. Creative coding (24:53)
  10. What this means for women (25:30)
  11. Closing Statements (27:37)

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