Episode 26 | The Ginsburg Meltdown

Episode Synopsis: The death of Ginsburg has the left in meltdown mode over abortion and Ginsburg’s potential replacement. We discuss who the left should really be mad at, the escalating cultural civil war, the connection between culture and politics, and how some Christians and pro-lifers seem to be sanctifying Ginsburg. Episode Duration: 34 min In…

Episode Synopsis:

The death of Ginsburg has the left in meltdown mode over abortion and Ginsburg’s potential replacement. We discuss who the left should really be mad at, the escalating cultural civil war, the connection between culture and politics, and how some Christians and pro-lifers seem to be sanctifying Ginsburg.

Episode Duration: 34 min

In This Episode We Discuss:
  1. Greetings (00:24)
  2. The left’s meltdown over the death of Ruth Bader Ginsburg (00:33)
  3. Why someone can react explosively to mentions of abortion (7:06)
  4. Anniversary Reactions (8:53)
  5. Women betrayed (11:30)
  6. The case against Brian Finkle (12:27)
  7. Christians and Pro-Lifers sanctifying Ginsburg (16:02)
  8. Who the left should really be mad at (18:48)
  9. The people have ALREADY spoken (20:20)
  10. The escalating cultural civil war (22:18)
  11. Has Trump taught Republicans how to fight? (25:37)
  12. The connection between culture and politics (27:38)
  13. Closing Statements (32:57)
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