Episode 104 | Media Stays Silent on Groundbreaking Texas Case
The mainstream media remains curiously silent as a man in Texas receives a capital murder sentence in the death of a 5 week old unborn baby. This week on the podcast, the hosts discuss this ground-breaking case and what it could mean for the fight against abortion. Plus, violence escalates as the nation waits for the important Supreme Court decision.
Episode Synopsis:
The mainstream media remains curiously silent as a man in Texas receives a capital murder sentence in the death of a 5 week old unborn baby. This week on the podcast, the hosts discuss this ground-breaking case and what it could mean for the fight against abortion. Plus, violence escalates as the nation waits for the important Supreme Court decision.
Episode Duration: 23 min
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In This Episode We Discuss:
- Greetings (00:23)
- Buffalo Pro-Life Pregnancy Center Firebombed (01:02)
- Department of Homeland Security warns of more violence (01:14)
- A Constitutional Showdown (04:52)
- The Texas Case (06:10)
- The media and the abortion lobby’s silence (13:23)
- Final Thoughts (21:46)
- Armed man Nicholas Roske arrested near Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh’s home – NY Post
- Abortion Activists Firebomb Pro-Life Pregnancy Center, Third Bombing in Weeks – LifeNews
- Pro-Abortion Terrorists Firebomb Buffalo Pro-Life Pregnancy Center – National Review
- DHS Issues National Terrorism Advisory System (NTAS) Bulletin – Homeland Security Press Release
- Pro-choice activists strip during Joel Osteen church service: ‘Overturn Roe, hell no’ – Fox News
- Abortion and a Constitutional Showdown – By: Mark Crutcher
- The Texas Prosecutor – Volume 52, Number 3
- Ector County jury convicts man of capital murder of child under 10 – Odessa American Online
- Man gets life in prison for killing unborn baby – CBS 7 News
- Life Dynamics Report: Under-the-Radar Violence in the Conflict Over Abortion
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