Episode 59 | “Birthing People” & More Loopy Language From The Left

This week, we discuss the latest news stories revealing the left’s love of verbal gymnastics – including the White House’s new budget replacing the word mothers with “birthing people,” and a British pro-choicer’s new term for men found in their op-ed titled, “A letter to the Anti-Abortion Protestors.” Plus, we discuss the graduation speech that has literally everyone talking.

Episode 53 | “Financial Abortions” For Men?

A recent article entitled, “Should Men Be Able to Opt-Out of Fatherhood? The pros and cons of “financial abortions” is just the latest of many articles debating the idea of “financial abortions.” We reveal just what a “financial abortion” is and its origins. Plus, we discuss biological realities vs our society’s twisted views on responsibility, and the legal quagmire that “Roe” and “Doe” created.

Is “World Day Against Trafficking in Persons” A Sham?

Underage girls are being sexually exploited by adult men in numbers that are unprecedented in American history. But while the world observed “World Day Against Trafficking in Persons” awareness day to bring this epidemic to light, the driving force behind this tragedy was kept in the dark. The issue is that the abortion industry and…

Mainstream Media’s Dishonesty About Abortion

Those on social media this morning doubtlessly noticed that #StopAiringTrumpBriefings was trending on Twitter. It’s no surprise, considering Trump’s epic roast of the media in a briefing last week. The hashtag centered around an NY Times opinion piece titled “Stop Airing Trump’s Briefings!” The tagline for the op-ed ironically reads: “The media is allowing disinformation…

LIVE: Maafa 21

In honor of Black History Month, we hosted a LIVE showing of our documentary, Maafa 21 – with a LIVE Q & A. Out of consideration for those who are not on Facebook, we have posted the stream here on the Life Dynamics website! Watch it now!

Weekly News: 1/25/20 – 1/31/20

Abortion and Pro-Life News for the week of January 25, 2020 – January 31, 2020… A number of states are suing over a new Trump administration rule. Pro-abortion billboards stir controversy in New Mexico. Some pro-lifers are feeling out-of-place in the Democrat Party. Politicians in Florida are looking to pass parental notification laws, after it failing once before… And much more!

Weekly News: 1/18/20 – 1/24/20

Abortion and Pro-Life News for the week of January 18, 2020 – January 24, 2020… The abortion battle heats up across the country. Some states are trying to shut down abortion access while New York tries to create an abortion access fund paid by taxpayers. Also, the abortion industry continues to ignore patient safety and a former abortionist speaks out. Plus more!

Weekly News: 1/11/20 – 1/17/20

Abortion and Pro-Life News for the week of January 11, 2020 – January 17, 2020… Abortion advocates will do anything to try to make abortion seem “normal”, including a disturbing “art” exhibit. Individual states are wanting to address the legality of abortion at a state level. And pro-aborts say that women don’t regret having abortions with a flawed study… All this and more!