Weekly News 1/4/20 – 1/10/20

Abortion and Pro-Life News for the week of January 4, 2020 – January 10, 2020… The start of a new year brings the abortion battle to the forefront in many states. Cities in Texas are declaring themselves as Sanctuary Cities for the Unborn. And a highschooler, who killed his pregnant girlfriend and unborn baby, has been sentenced. This and more!

The Dark Truth About Planned Parenthood: Sex Education

“Fact: Planned Parenthood is the single largest provider of sex education in the United States, reaching 1.5 million people with education and outreach each year.”  1 That fact comes directly from Planned Parenthood’s website and it should strike fear into every person in the United States, especially parents. While Planned Parenthood, the media and even…

Evil Is As Evil Does

New allegations about sexual assault from the hands of an abortionist have surfaced. Life Dynamics has tried to reach out to #MeToo activists and mainstream media outlets to hear their take on the issue, but of course, they were silent. Now that an abortion advocate has come forward with her own allegations, will they listen?

Mexico: The Missing Ingredient In The Abortion Industry’s Backup Plan

If you don’t know anything else about the abortion battle now raging in Mexico, know this: the only reason the American choice mafia is there is because they have concluded that there is something in it for them. Fortunately, it is not that hard to figure out what that something is. Mexico is the missing ingredient in the American abortion industry’s contingency plan.