Episode 148 | The Challenges Of Being Pro-Life

Episode 148 | The Challenges Of Being Pro-Life

What do you think is the hardest thing about being pro-life? Does it have to do with how it has affected relationships? Or does it have to do with the nasty comments and bullying from those on the other side? We reveal the things that we have struggled with and share what our followers had to say. We hope this episode helps anyone who has ever dealt with the occasional challenges of being proudly pro-life.

Episode 93 | Leftist Propaganda Infecting Schools

Episode 93 | Leftist Propaganda Infecting Schools

This week on the Pro-Life America podcast, we discuss the realities of abortion coercion including how wide spread it is, when it becomes violent, the fallout it creates, and the importance of knowing your significant other’s position on abortion. Hear one woman’s heartbreaking story of how she was coerced into having an abortion. Are you experiencing abortion coercion? We have advice about what to do.

Episode 60 | The Latest In America’s Ongoing Culture War

Episode 60 | The Latest In America’s Ongoing Culture War

This week, we discuss the latest (and surreal) news stories like a North Korean defector stating that North Korea was pretty crazy,” but not as crazy as the propaganda she witnessed at Columbia University. Plus, we share how the Vatican is warning bishops not to deny communion to pro-choice politicians like Joe Biden. And finally, more data is coming out about America’s declining birth rate, that has some wondering, “How Low Can America’s Birth Rate Go Before It’s A Problem?”