#37 – “You Can’t Be Pro-Life And Pro-Death Penalty!”
The abortion lobby says that the pro-life movement is hypocritical for supporting the death penalty.
The abortion lobby says that the pro-life movement is hypocritical for supporting the death penalty.
Any time we sit down with abortion apologists in some starry-eyed quest for common ground, all we do is give the impression that even we believe their position has some moral validity.
Some people claim that they can be pro-choice and Christian at the same time. That is nonsense.
The pro-choice mob knows that they can’t defend the morality of abortion, so they push this absurd idea that the issue is not whether abortion is right or wrong, but who decides — the woman or the state?
The abortion lobby tries to lure doctors, pharmacists, pharmaceutical companies, and drug store chains into getting involved with abortion pills by subtly implying that the chemical abortion business is not as sleazy as the regular abortion business. These people can sugar coat it all they want to, but when one of these human pesticides is used to poison an unborn child, every person involved becomes an abortionist.
Abortion defenders say that the real issue is not abortion, but whether we trust women. This is, of course, pure idiocy.
For the last week, countless articles and videos have emerged discussing Britney Spears’ secret abortion. We discuss the facts and details the media – and the abortion lobby – hopes goes unnoticed, as well as their surprising admission that men benefit from legalized abortion. Perhaps the most tone deaf question they are now asking is, “where are all the pro-choice men?”
The abortion lobby belittles adoption by saying that there are children in foster care who aren’t getting adopted right now. Once again, we see that the pro-choice solution to any problem is always the same. Killing babies.
The pro-choice side still claims that thousands of women used to die every year from illegal abortions – despite their own people saying otherwise.
The pro-choice mob claims that it’s okay to kill the unborn because no one can prove when life begins. The interesting thing is, abortion defenders seem to be the only people left on earth who are still confused about when life begins.
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