Evil Is As Evil Does

Evil Is As Evil Does

New allegations about sexual assault from the hands of an abortionist have surfaced. Life Dynamics has tried to reach out to #MeToo activists and mainstream media outlets to hear their take on the issue, but of course, they were silent. Now that an abortion advocate has come forward with her own allegations, will they listen?

We want your feedback on Life Talk!

We want your feedback on Life Talk!

Our goal for LifeTalk has always been to provide you with important pro-life news and information to help in the conflict against abortion. This means that we must continue to evolve the show so that it meets the needs of our viewers and look to see if there is any way it can be improved. This can only be achieved with your help, and of course, your feedback.

New Video Reveals What It’s Like To Expose The Abortion Industry’s Dirty Secrets.

New Video Reveals What It’s Like To Expose The Abortion Industry’s Dirty Secrets.

“What is it like to work at Life Dynamics?” This is a question that most of us at Life Dynamics get asked pretty often. The short answer: it’s unlike any other environment out there. That is why we have released a Q&A video answering viewers questions about what it was like to work on our new report, “America’s Carefully Hidden Sex Scandal.”

No Outrage From The Media About The Women Raped In Abortion Clinics – Just Radio Silence.

No Outrage From The Media About The Women Raped In Abortion Clinics – Just Radio Silence.

In recent years the subject of sexual assault and rape has come into the public spotlight, with movements like #MeToo leading the cause. Life Dynamics recently released the project, “America’s Hidden Sex Scandal,” a grisly look into what goes on behind abortion clinic doors. The content is the stuff nightmares are made of and a scandal that the abortion lobby and mainstream media has intentionally been trying to hide.