Episode 48 | Pro-Life Legislation: Who’s The Real Enemy?

As a wave of pro-life bills are being proposed by states around the country, the debate over incremental legislation is reignited. The hosts discuss the important distinction between advocating vs supporting a bill with exceptions, the effects of passing bills with exceptions, and potential danger zones.

Episode Synopsis:

As a wave of pro-life bills are being proposed by states around the country, the debate over incremental legislation is reignited. The hosts discuss the important distinction between advocating vs supporting a piece of pro-life legislation with exceptions, the effects of passing bills with exceptions, and potential danger zones. This episode is a “must” for anyone new to the political aspect of abortion.

Episode Duration: 28 min

In This Episode We Discuss:
  1. Greetings (00:24)
  2. Quick recap on the tidal wave of pro-life bills on the state level (01:04)
  3. What it means to be pro-life (2:15)
  4. The error the pro-life side has made (5:13)
  5. The difference between advocating exceptions and supporting a bill with exceptions (10:15)
  6. An example of the positives of incremental legislation (14:38)
  7. How the pro-life movement uses the incremental approach in other areas (15:42)
  8. Danger zones in incremental legislation (17:20)
  9. A warning to pro-lifers (23:21)
  10. Closing Statements (27:58)

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