Planned Parenthood wants an authentic abortion dialogue – pro-lifers say bring it!

Abortion giant Planned Parenthood claims they want an “authentic public dialogue about abortion” and the pro-life community says bring it on! In an op-Ed written by Cecile Richards and published in Time, the president of Planned Parenthood writes, “America has an urgent need for authentic public dialogue about abortion.” Life Dynamics, a national pro-life organization…

Young activists gear up for pro-life training camp to end abortion

A national pro-life group is planning their annual training camp this summer where they will prepare young pro-life activists to stand against the worst evil of our day: abortion. Survivors of the Abortion Holocaust is dedicated to educating and activating high school and college age individuals to end child killing in America. The event consists…

ARREST: Pro-choice man assaults pro-life volunteer showing abortion images

A pro-choice man has been arrested after assaulting a pro-life volunteer who was with a group showing graphic abortion victim images to students. Yesterday, Life Dynamics reported that the pro-life group, Created Equal, was on the campus of Ohio State University where they showed an abortion in progress on a JumboTron. Created Equal is used…

Time to show abortion in progress says pro-life group targeting college campuses

Mark Harrington, the founder of the pro-life group Created Equal plans to show an “abortion in progress” on a JumboTron at Ohio State University (OSU) today. “Created Equal is a traveling photo exhibit that visits college and high school campuses around the country to show as many students as possible what abortion actually does to…

Abortion advocates defend Purvi Patel who threw newborn in trash

Abortion rights advocates are rushing to the defense of Purvi Patel, a woman convicted of feticide after throwing her newborn baby in a trash dumpster. The state of Indiana has sentenced the 33-year-old to 20 years in prison after taking abortion pills to abort the baby who was roughly thirty (30) weeks from conception. Prosecutor…

Pro-choice man threatens pregnant girlfriend: get abortion or I’ll do it myself

A pro-choice man who allegedly attempted to hire a babysitter as a hit woman to assault his pregnant ex-girlfriend after she refused to get an abortion, has been arrested in Pennsylvania. The criminal complaint filed against 22 -year-old John Frazier, by Stowe police said that when Frazier’s ex-girlfriend, Jocelynn Ivanco refused to have an abortion,…

Millennials confront Congressional reps on abortion

At 22 weeks pregnant, Students for Life Capital Area Regional Coordinator, Michele Hendrickson, visited the offices of several Congressional Representatives in Washington, D.C. with other millennials yesterday to bring up their concerns about abortion. Hendrickson reflected on the day when she wrote, “The biggest disappointment of the day? Meeting with Congressman Tim Ryan’s (D-OH) Chief…