Time to show abortion in progress says pro-life group targeting college campuses

Mark Harrington, the founder of the pro-life group Created Equal plans to show an “abortion in progress” on a JumboTron at Ohio State University (OSU) today. “Created Equal is a traveling photo exhibit that visits college and high school campuses around the country to show as many students as possible what abortion actually does to…

Mark Harrington, the founder of the pro-life group Created Equal plans to show an “abortion in progress” on a JumboTron at Ohio State University (OSU) today.

Created Equal Jumbotron abortion 3

Created Equal is a traveling photo exhibit that visits college and high school campuses around the country to show as many students as possible what abortion actually does to preborn children,” said Harrington, national director of Created Equal.

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“Placing abortion in the broader context of age discrimination, the project attempts to create debate on campus to influence America’s future decision-makers and leaders.”

In the fall of 2013, Created Equal broadcasted the footage of abortion victims for the first time on a college campus at University of South Florida and recently brought their Jumbotron to the March for Life in Washington D.C. this past January.

Last week angry abortion supporters protested the pro-life group when they did the same thing on the Plaza of the Americas at the University of Florida.

Life Dynamics previously reported the emotional response the group received after showing abortion victim images on the campus of Columbus State Community College this past November after two black students said they were heartbroken to see the reality of abortion.

It just broke my heart inside,” said one of the students.

Black Students view abortion vid

The second student told the pro-life group, “I knew what it [abortion] was, I just really didn’t want to know. So when I see stuff like this it changes my whole aspect of how I think about it.”

Asked why the video broke their hearts, one of the students replied, “They’re just little babies – dead little babies,” he said emotionally.

A local news station in Ohio, showed the graphic video to students ahead of today’s event and received responses that ranged from shock to support.

Students see graphic abortion vid

    That disturbs me – it makes me like – uncomfortable.”

    I’m pro-life personally but I don’t believe it’s the right kind of tactic.”

    I think its good to see that so you know what you’re doing to yourself and to the baby inside of you.”

    I didn’t think that you could even get an abortion at that late in the process...”

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“We believe it’s time to up our game,” Harrington told 10TV.

“It’s time for the American people to actually see an abortion in progress,” he said.

Created Equal anticipates opposition to their display at OSU today but feels the visual education of bringing abortion victims to college campuses is worth it.

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What do you think?

Do you believe that showing an abortion in progress is justified or the wrong approach?

Send us a comment.


  1. Silas McCulfor says:

    I never knew what to think about the abortion images or videos… until I did outreach with Created Equal. You can argue all day for or against the graphic images, but the fact is, they work. I have done pro-life outreach many different ways, but I have not found any method that is more effective than the approach Created Equal is taking. There is something about the graphic images that opens peoples hearts. I have had so many good conversations while doing outreach with Created Equal!

  2. Elizabeth Midgett says:

    Seeing graphic pictures and videos changed my opinion on abortion even though I was mostly pro life. It cemented my views totally. Keep up the good work.

  3. Pingback: Pro Life America
  4. Lydi Owen says:

    I absolutely agree that it is time to show the public the truth about abortion. I’m a midwife. One woman I know was miscarrying a 5 month baby, which she dearly wanted. When I did a vaginal exam on her to determine her dilation, her still alive baby touched my hand. I felt his fear strongly. He wanted to live. He knew he wasn’t going to- that the only world he knew was changing. I felt he didn’t want me to remove my hand because of the comfort he felt from my momentary touch. Babies in the womb are real human beings who want to live just like the rest of us who are already born!

  5. Joyce Everett says:

    Showing the video is justified.
    As a pro-life volunteer at a PRC I have, in the past, shown the videos “Hard Truth” and “Harder Truth” for women asking about abortion. That practice at the clinic was discontinued on the recommendation of an associated group. The videos were truly hard truths to watch and may not be appropriate for someone who is post-abortive or very emotional at the time of viewing. However, for adult, college age students who are likely to see just as graphic images in selective entertainment, such videos should be allowable, educational, and enlightening. If they are being taught to be “Pro-Choice” they should be taught what they are being pro-choice about and just how it is accomplished, and how babies are killed, and women damaged.

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