Young activists gear up for pro-life training camp to end abortion

A national pro-life group is planning their annual training camp this summer where they will prepare young pro-life activists to stand against the worst evil of our day: abortion. Survivors of the Abortion Holocaust is dedicated to educating and activating high school and college age individuals to end child killing in America. The event consists…

A national pro-life group is planning their annual training camp this summer where they will prepare young pro-life activists to stand against the worst evil of our day: abortion.


Survivors of the Abortion Holocaust is dedicated to educating and activating high school and college age individuals to end child killing in America.

The event consists of 10 days of intense training and will be held in Norwalk, California.

Young activists will learn how to stand their ground against threats of arrest like the one published by the group recently which shows a man, who identified himself as the assistant principal ordering pro-life advocates to turn off their recording device or “it’s jail.”

Asst Principle threatens prolifers

Pro-lifers from the group told the man that they would wait for the proper authorities to give them the order.

Asst principle prolife assault

In the video you see the man moving closer, and telling the pro-life advocate, “You’re going to turn the camera off or you’re going to have a big problem.

In the end, the young pro-life man stood his ground, knowing his rights and refusing to submit to the intimidation.

Young pro-life activists will also learn how to debate and handle liberal activists who attempt to censor the truth about abortion as well.

Sisters of perpetual indulgence abortion Survivors 8851882213098942_n

Survivors said that this image posted to their Facebook page showed a member of the “Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence,” an Earth Fair volunteer, attempting to hide the face of an abortion victim.

During the pro-life training camps young activists will apply the skills they learn first hand by taking to the streets to engage the public about the truth of abortion.

If you think you could never do that, I want to tell you that you can – really. The biggest hurdle is yourself,” said a member of Survivors in a recent e-mail about the camp.

Learn more here.

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