Abortion advocate arrested after throwing paint on pro-life signs

A pro-choice man has been arrested after throwing paint on pro-life signs being held by members of Canada’s ‘Show the Truth’ pro-life organization. About 50 pro-lifers held signs containing the images of abortion victims in downtown Kingston earlier this week when they were met by pro-choice activists. A local media outlet reported what happened next:…

Murder charge dropped in abortion pill case – Planned Parenthood “glad”

The nation’s top seller of abortions, Planned Parenthood said they are “glad” a murder charge has been dropped against a woman who killed her unborn child using an abortion pill she purchased online. 23-year-old Kenlissa Jones allegedly took the abortion pill, Cytotec, after she purchased it off the internet to abort he five-and-a-half-month-old baby boy….

No choice for women who take abortion pill say “pro-choice” advocates

So-called pro-choice on abortion advocates have shown their true colors by opposing abortion pill reversals which allow women the choice to have their babies. Recently, Dr. Matthew Harrison, associate medical director for Abortion Pill Reversal, explained the method behind abortion pill reversals on the pro-life show Life Talk TV. You can watch that interview here….