#26 – When You Vote Pro-Choice, You ARE Pro-Choice!
When someone who claims to be pro-life, says they could vote for a candidate who supports legal abortion, that person is a fraud. The fact is, when you vote pro-choice you are pro-choice.
When someone who claims to be pro-life, says they could vote for a candidate who supports legal abortion, that person is a fraud. The fact is, when you vote pro-choice you are pro-choice.
The tension that has always existed between the so-called “purists”, and those who sincerely believe in the incremental approach to legislation, could pose a bigger threat to the pro-life movement’s legislative agenda than is posed by the abortion lobby itself.
Don’t be fooled by the abortion lobby’s faux shock; June 24th was a day they had been long expecting – and they had a plan. For the past few years, they have been advocating and pushing legislation enshrining abortion in individual states’ constitutions in the hope of creating abortion havens in a post-Roe America. To anyone who thinks this sounds like the rantings of a tin-foil hat wearer, let’s take a look at California.
If the public is overwhelmingly pro-choice, why is the pro-choice mob outraged at the idea of allowing the public to decide the country’s abortion policies?
Does the Republican party really consider abortion to be a top priority or is it simply an issue they leave unresolved so as to garner more votes?
As incredible as it may seem, there are actually people running loose in society who contend that the Nazi Holocaust never happened. They can see the videos, they can hear directly from the survivors and they can even visit the death camps that still remain in parts of Europe. Yet they choose to be living…
Anytime the pro-life movement tries to pass legislation, its a guarantee that they will be dramatically outspent by the pro-aborts. The question is where the pro-aborts get this money. The answer is…
Episode Synopsis: Should Roe vs. Wade be overturned? Recent events prove that the left is worried about the future of Roe vs. Wade – and is coming up with their own “Plan B.” We reveal how the way Roe vs. Wade is overturned can have repercussions for the unborn and why abortion is NOT a…
This episode is about blah blah blah
Abortion and Pro-Life News for the week of January 11, 2020 – January 17, 2020… Abortion advocates will do anything to try to make abortion seem “normal”, including a disturbing “art” exhibit. Individual states are wanting to address the legality of abortion at a state level. And pro-aborts say that women don’t regret having abortions with a flawed study… All this and more!