The Abortion Mecca

The Abortion Mecca

Don’t be fooled by the abortion lobby’s faux shock; June 24th was a day they had been long expecting – and they had a plan. For the past few years, they have been advocating and pushing legislation enshrining abortion in individual states’ constitutions in the hope of creating abortion havens in a post-Roe America. To anyone who thinks this sounds like the rantings of a tin-foil hat wearer, let’s take a look at California.

Weekly News: 1/11/20 – 1/17/20

Weekly News: 1/11/20 – 1/17/20

Abortion and Pro-Life News for the week of January 11, 2020 – January 17, 2020… Abortion advocates will do anything to try to make abortion seem “normal”, including a disturbing “art” exhibit. Individual states are wanting to address the legality of abortion at a state level. And pro-aborts say that women don’t regret having abortions with a flawed study… All this and more!