Episode 70 | The Grisly Situation in Afghanistan

Episode 70 | The Grisly Situation in Afghanistan

In response to a question on one of our Instagram posts about what happens to the bodies of babies after abortion, we reveal the different ways abortion clinics have “disposed” of aborted babies. Plus, we discuss the abortion industry’s problem with waste disposal companies and the disgusting conditions and awful behaviors inside clinics. This episode proves that there is no such thing as humane disposal of these babies.

Episode 69 | What Happens To Baby Bodies After Abortion?

Episode 69 | What Happens To Baby Bodies After Abortion?

In response to a question on one of our Instagram posts about what happens to the bodies of babies after abortion, we reveal the different ways abortion clinics have “disposed” of aborted babies. Plus, we discuss the abortion industry’s problem with waste disposal companies and the disgusting conditions and awful behaviors inside clinics. This episode proves that there is no such thing as humane disposal of these babies.

Episode 68 | The Pro-Choice Side’s Obsession With Abortion In Movies and TV Shows

Episode 68 | The Pro-Choice Side’s Obsession With Abortion In Movies and TV Shows

Despite the rapid rise in abortion story lines in tv shows and movies, pro-choicers are still calling for more. Special Guest Sheila Crutcher joins us as we talk about the abortion lobby’s push to put more and more of these plotlines on screen and the real motivation behind them. Plus, we discuss what the medial community really thinks about those who do abortions and the potential impact of abortion on a group of people that often gets overlooked…

Episode 67 | Planned Parenthood is Anti-Woman

Episode 67 | Planned Parenthood is Anti-Woman

This week, we discuss the latest news from abortion industry insiders which reveal that Planned Parenthood is not pro-woman, but pro-abortion. We cover how a former Planned Parenthood president was told to “talk about abortion at every media interview,” as well as how a former clinic director admits that they use fears of deportation to convince immigrants to abort – and how Planned Parenthood’s annual reports show what business they’re really in. Plus, we discuss the findings of our own investigations into Planned Parenthood…

Episode 65 | Planned Parenthood’s Nazi Connections?!

Episode 65 | Planned Parenthood’s Nazi Connections?!

This week, we discuss the often concealed connections between the Nazis and Margaret Sanger, the organization she founded, and the “birth control” movement. We confront the pro-choice claim that Hitler was pro-life. Also, we reveal details about colleagues of Sanger’s such as Eugen Fischer, Harry Laughlin, & Lothrop Stoddard and why The American Birth Control League would change its name to Planned Parenthood. Finally, we talk about Josef Mengele: the SS doctor at Auschwitz dubbed “the angel of death,” who later became an abortionist.

Episode 64 | Republican State Senate Candidate Exposed As An Abortionist!

Episode 64 | Republican State Senate Candidate Exposed As An Abortionist!

This week, special guest Olivia Murray joins us to discuss how an abortionist is running for Arizona state senate as a REPUBLICAN. We share how Olivia exposed this, what the response has been, and the political realities of the Republican Party leadership. This episode proves why the pro-life movement should return to it’s grass roots origins.

Episode 63 | “Blood Doping” & Aborted Baby Parts

Episode 63 | “Blood Doping” & Aborted Baby Parts

This week, we discuss a few news stories that has everyone talking online. First, we discuss the suspension of Olympic athlete Briana McNeal, how other athletes feel pressure to have abortions, and the little known practice of “blood doping.” Finally, we discuss how Pro-Life San Francisco exposed UC San Francisco’s harvesting of aborted baby genitalia, and the University’s connection to billionaire Warren Buffett.

Episode 62 | Biden Administration’s Dedication To Abortion & Other News

Episode 62 | Biden Administration’s Dedication To Abortion & Other News

Recent news of Biden’s administration and his appointees makes it clear that they are dedicated to abortion. We discuss Biden’s choice for ambassador to Ireland, at a time when pro-choicers in Ireland are pushing for the expansion of legalized abortion, as well as his choice for the head of the Bureau of Land Management. We also discuss Biden’s appointee to HHS, Xavier Becerra, nixing the NIH ethics board overseeing human fetal tissue research. Plus, we share the interesting clash that happened recently between an Irish radio host and “bio-ethicist” Richard Dawkins about Dawkins’s views on aborting children with disabilities.

Episode 61 | Pro-Choice Converts: Who’s Winnable?

Episode 61 | Pro-Choice Converts: Who’s Winnable?

Every day, pro-lifers debate pro-choicers online and attempt to sway their opinion. We discuss the important distinctions between different subgroups of pro-choicers, why some are “un-winnable,” and why it’s important to recognize this. Plus, we discuss a major debate trap that pro-lifers need to be aware of. All of this raises the question, are public debates on college campuses a waste of time? The answer may surprise you…