Life Dynamics & Over 100 Leaders Demand Abortion Centers Close To Stop The Spread Of COVID-19

Life Dynamics & Over 100 Leaders Demand Abortion Centers Close To Stop The Spread Of COVID-19

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE There can be no “sacred cows” in a pandemic. More than 100 national leaders and organizations released video proof of abortion facilities defiance of public health warnings and state and national health directives, putting all our lives at risk. These leaders and groups demand governors enforce pandemic health directives and close the…

Counting Down To The New Year

Counting Down To The New Year

In mere hours, the infamous 2020 will be upon us. People around the world are listing their New Years resolutions – like eating more broccoli, getting fit, going to church more, and the list goes on. We at Life Dynamics have just one: to end the slaughter of the unborn in the womb. As we…

New Video Reveals What It’s Like To Expose The Abortion Industry’s Dirty Secrets.

New Video Reveals What It’s Like To Expose The Abortion Industry’s Dirty Secrets.

“What is it like to work at Life Dynamics?” This is a question that most of us at Life Dynamics get asked pretty often. The short answer: it’s unlike any other environment out there. That is why we have released a Q&A video answering viewers questions about what it was like to work on our new report, “America’s Carefully Hidden Sex Scandal.”