Episode 124 | Symptoms Of A Culture Of Death
This week on the Pro-Life America podcast, we talk about the culture of death, the glorifying of assisted suicide, and how abortion is the root of it all.
This week on the Pro-Life America podcast, we talk about the culture of death, the glorifying of assisted suicide, and how abortion is the root of it all.
With all the recent news and revelations about China, we decided to discuss China’s population crisis and its push for dominance despite the data showing that their population bust is happening much faster than anyone anticipated. We reveal what this means for China’s economic state and how it has impacted their laws limiting the number of children families are allowed to have. Plus, we discuss the shocking loss in Kansas and a New York Times article that claims that, “the line between abortion and pregnancy loss has always been blurry.”
As the Supreme Court considers the fate of new state abortion laws and challenges to Roe vs Wade, tensions flare while pro-lifers debate strategies for the future and ending legalized abortion for good. We talk about the issue of the lack of unity within the pro-life movement and what it means for us. Can it ever be fixed? Can we win without being unified? All this and more in an important episode for all who fight for the unborn.
Has the USPS spied on you? What would once be an absurd thought is now something that has even the liberal outlet Politico asking questions. We discuss this and other shady business in the news right now such as: abortion clinics requesting ambulances with no lights or sirens for injured women, the hypocrisy of the Dallas Morning News, and Kamala Harris’s video endorsing Terry McAuliffe that is slated to be shown at 300 churches – despite the fact it violates the Johnson Amendment.
This week, we discuss the latest news from abortion industry insiders which reveal that Planned Parenthood is not pro-woman, but pro-abortion. We cover how a former Planned Parenthood president was told to “talk about abortion at every media interview,” as well as how a former clinic director admits that they use fears of deportation to convince immigrants to abort – and how Planned Parenthood’s annual reports show what business they’re really in. Plus, we discuss the findings of our own investigations into Planned Parenthood…
This week, we discuss the latest (and surreal) news stories like a North Korean defector stating that North Korea was pretty crazy,” but not as crazy as the propaganda she witnessed at Columbia University. Plus, we share how the Vatican is warning bishops not to deny communion to pro-choice politicians like Joe Biden. And finally, more data is coming out about America’s declining birth rate, that has some wondering, “How Low Can America’s Birth Rate Go Before It’s A Problem?”
Researchers and economists are calling worldwide plunges in birth rates a “crisis.” We discuss what some countries are doing in the hopes of reversing it, the potential ramifications of this, and how it is all connected to legalized abortion and “population control.” Plus, we reveal how one Danish travel agency is selling traveling as a way to “save Denmark.”
Recently, the immigration issue has been at the forefront of U.S. politics, but neither side is talking about the cause of the problem.
An official of Planned Parenthood founder, Margaret Sager, was praised for his Nazi eugenics efforts. Since World War II, it has been well-documented that Adolf Hitler was profoundly influenced by the American eugenics movement and that many of his government’s racial policies were actually developed from the writings of American eugenicists like Madison Grant and…