Margaret Sanger official influenced Nazis

An official of Planned Parenthood founder, Margaret Sager, was praised for his Nazi eugenics efforts. Since World War II, it has been well-documented that Adolf Hitler was profoundly influenced by the American eugenics movement and that many of his government’s racial policies were actually developed from the writings of American eugenicists like Madison Grant and…

An official of Planned Parenthood founder, Margaret Sager, was praised for his Nazi eugenics efforts.

Since World War II, it has been well-documented that Adolf Hitler was profoundly influenced by the American eugenics movement and that many of his government’s racial policies were actually developed from the writings of American eugenicists like Madison Grant and Harry Laughlin.


This is how Life Dynamics introduces Laughlin in their documentary film, Maafa21.

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A bio of Harry Laughlin published by the Harry H. Laughlin Papers reads in part:

    • Laughlin was superintendent in charge of the Eugenics Record Office of the Department of Genetics of the Carnegie Institute of Washington, D. C., from its origin in 1910 until 1921 and director from 1921 until 1940. Dr Laughlin served as the eugenics expert for the Committee on Immigration and Naturalization, U. S. House of Representatives from 1921 to 1931; the Eugenics Associate to the Municipal Court at Chicago, 1921 to 1930; the U. S. immigration agent to Europe for the Department of Labor from 1923 to 1924; and was a member of the permanent Immigration Commission of the International Labor Office of the League of Nations in 1925.

He also was a member of the Galton Society, the Eugenics Research Association, the American Society of International Law, the American Statistical Associate, president of the American Eugenics Society 1927-28, associate editor of the Eugenical News from 1916 to 1939, secretary of the Third International Congress of Eugenics in 1932, and president of the Pioneer Fund, Incorporated, from its origin until 1941.

Laughlin’s Eugenical Sterilization in the United States established him as an expert on the topic. His model sterilization laws were used by many of the more than 30 states that passed sterilization laws. Germany’s 1933 sterilization laws were also modeled after Laughlin’s. Laughlin’s immigration studies, which seemed to support the idea that recent immigrants from Southern and Eastern Europe had a higher percentage of “socially inadequate” persons than other immigrants, led to the highly restrictive immigration quota system of 1924 which favored immigrants from Northern Europe.

Not only was Laughlin was an official with the American Eugenics Society but he was also an official on Margaret Sanger’s American Birth Control League.

Harry Laughlin forced sterilization Margaret Sanger Birth Control Review 1928 eugenics

Harry Laughlin forced sterilization Margaret Sanger Birth Control Review 1928 eugenics degenerate offspeing

In 1928, Laughlin’s plan for using forced sterilization to eliminate those who might produce what he called “degenerate offspring” was published in Sanger’s Birth Control Review.

Harry Laughlin BCR

In 1936, Laughlin led an effort to distribute the English-language version of a Nazi eugenics film to audiences in the northeastern part of the United States.

Nazi eugenics film Harry Laughlin Maafa21

You can view excerpts of that film in Maafa21 here

He had acquired the rights to the film from the Race Policy Office of the Nazi Party and, with the help of two other American eugenics organizations, had mailed literature to biology teachers at 3,000 U.S. high schools urging them to show it in their classrooms.

Later that year, Laughlin was praised in a Nazi newspaper and awarded an honorary degree from the University of Heidelberg for his contributions to the Nazi eugenics effort.

Harry Laughlin Heidleburg

Laughlin went on to be part of the The Citizens Committee for Planned Parenthood.

A list of committee members, published in Sanger’s Birth Control Review read:

Harry Laughlin COmmittee on Planned Parenthood

“As a first step in a campaign to expand the nation-wide activities and services of the American Birth Control League, the Citizens Committee for Planned Parenthood will conduct a fund-raising campaign for $263,990 this Spring in metropolitan New York Never before has so distinguished a group of men and women come forward to back the League’s effort of sixteen years to democratize knowledge on child spacing The list given below of the Citizens Committee is further evidence of a rapidly awakening public realization of the social and economic implications of family planning.”

Find out more about the evil ties members of Margaret Sanger’s organization had to eugenics by watching Maafa21 in full at the website.

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Purchase copies of the Maafa21 DVD or Maafa21 business cards to help inform others.


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  1. elaine riddick says:

    Even though their science was flawed the government still allowed them to practice and carry out one of the most hateful crimes against humanity and these crimes were not in the best interest of their victims it was to be for the best interest and for the betterment of society, their reasons were not rational, for instance I was part of the NC ‘s Eugenics forced sterilization program I was diagnosed as being feeble minded so they sterlized me at age 14 after I became a victim of rape at 13 and they did it without informed consent , my mother was an alcoholic and was in prison so I became their target and I had my beautiful baby boy , he nor Is mentally challenge and I am 61 years old and is the Executive Director for the Rebecca Project for Justice and my son worked and became a millionaire by the time he was 25 years old so much for their theories flawed science yes mental illness is not inherited.

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