#88 – DNA Doesn’t Lie
The abortion lobby tries to justify slaughtering the unborn is by claiming that no one knows when life begins. But let’s think about it for a minute…
The abortion lobby tries to justify slaughtering the unborn is by claiming that no one knows when life begins. But let’s think about it for a minute…
The people who claim to be “pro-science” immediately throw science out the window when it comes to abortion and the unborn child. All of a sudden, “choice” is all that matters and science is irrelevant.
Some countries are now bragging that they have virtually eliminated Down Syndrome from their population. The obvious assumption is that they have discovered a cure. But that’s not the case…
The abortion lobby tries to justify abortion by calling it “healthcare.” But as we prove, by definition, abortions are not healthcare. They are contract killings.
The pro-choice side claims that the fight against abortion is an effort to control woman’s bodies. If that’s true, we have some questions….
The pro-choice crowd has always claimed that no one knows when life begins. But modern technology – like ultrasound – has made that statement ridiculous.
You’ll often hear the pro-choice mob argue that “consent to sex is not consent to be pregnant.” Watch to see why this is an absolutely stupid defense for abortion.
The pro-choice side says that the law has no right to control what a woman does with her own body. But let’s follow the science…
The pro-choice mob claims that it’s okay to kill the unborn because no one can prove when life begins. The interesting thing is, abortion defenders seem to be the only people left on earth who are still confused about when life begins.
The left always is always lecturing the rest of us to “follow the science.” But somehow, when the abortion issue comes up, all of a sudden science is off the table.
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