#74 -Bragging About Eugenics?!
Some countries are now bragging that they have virtually eliminated Down Syndrome from their population. The obvious assumption is that they have discovered a cure. But that’s not the case…
Welcome to our new series, “Abortion Distortion,” where we turn the tables and make the pro-choice side defend the illogical, deceptive and immoral nature of their positions!
Like how some countries are now bragging that they have virtually eliminated Down Syndrome from their population. The obvious assumption is that they have discovered a cure. But that’s not the case…
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Some foreign countries are now bragging that they have virtually eliminated Down Syndrome from their population and the obvious assumption is that they have discovered a cure. But that’s not the case. What they’re saying is that they’ve eliminated Down Syndrome by killing every child in the womb who might have it.
Unfortunately, America is going down this same path. And don’t be stupid enough to think we are doing this out of compassion for those being killed. We are doing it because we have decided that these children are inconvenient, unsightly, more expensive to care for than they are worth, and missing many of the “normal” human qualities we so admire in ourselves. It’s called eugenics, and it is the inevitable sickness of a culture that says the value of human life is utilitarian and negotiable.
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