#29 – “No one can prove when life begins!”
The pro-choice mob claims that it’s okay to kill the unborn because no one can prove when life begins. The interesting thing is, abortion defenders seem to be the only people left on earth who are still confused about when life begins.
Welcome to our new series, “Abortion Distortion,” where we turn the tables and make the pro-choice side defend the illogical, deceptive and immoral nature of their positions!
Like how the pro-choice side claims that it’s okay to kill the unborn because no one can prove when life begins. The interesting thing is, abortion defenders seem to be the only people left on earth who are still confused about when life begins.
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The pro-choice mob claims that it’s okay to kill the unborn because no one can prove when life begins. It’s like the jury in a capital murder trial saying, “We don’t really know if the defendant is guilty or not, so it’s okay to just go ahead and execute him.”
The interesting thing is, abortion defenders seem to be the only people left on earth who are still confused about when life begins. Medical science proved decades ago that when a male’s twenty-three chromosomes combine with a female’s twenty-three chromosomes, the life of a new and unique human being has begun. And anyone capable of rational thought would agree that, before they can be executed, the abortion lobby has a duty to prove that the science is wrong and that the unborn are just the worthless clumps of cells they are accused of being.
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More Abortion Distortions:
#21 – Is Abortion Safer Than Childbirth?
According to those who support abortion, abortion is about as risky as a manicure, but pregnancy and childbirth is a mine field from which women rarely come out alive.
#3 – The “pro-life with exceptions” position is a fraud.
Some people claim to be pro-life while saying that abortion should be legal in some circumstances. But the truth is, the “pro-life with exceptions” position is a fraud. Watch to see why.
#38 – “Abortion Bans Are Forced Motherhood!”
The pro-choice side likes to argue that prohibitions against abortion are just “forced motherhood.” Watch to see why this argument is a lie…