Episode 86 | Abortion Lobby’s Desperate Attempts To Control The Narrative

Episode 86 | Abortion Lobby’s Desperate Attempts To Control The Narrative

Think the pro-choice side is winning? Think again. New articles and ad campaigns prove that the abortion lobby is desperate to change the narrative surrounding abortion. We discuss this, their language manipulation, and how the mainstream media helps push their message as well as insulate them from bad publicity.

Alveda King: we have lawlessness b/c we don’t value life from conception

MLK niece Alveda King addressed the Charleston, South Carolina church shooting this weekend at a march against abortion in Selma, Alabama whose message was Black Women Matter. Black leaders from across the nation attended the March in Selma to expose a possible racial motive for not enforcing abortion laws. According to organizer, Catherine Davis, over…

Planned Parenthood to undercover caller portraying 13yr old impregnated by adult “there’s no reporting to police”

A Planned Parenthood abortion clinic which once told an undercover caller portraying a 13 year-old impregnated by an adult male that “there’s no reporting to the police or any official“, is closing. The announcement that Planned Parenthood’s Downtown Center located on 16th Street of in the heart of the nation’s capital was placed on their…

Is there a racial motive behind failure to enforce abortion laws?

Black leaders are planning a nationwide event in Selma, Alabama to expose a possible racial motive for not enforcing abortion laws, saying that Black Women Matter. It is called The Selma Project and it was created by Catherine Davis who is the president and founder of The Restoration Project, and is an African American advocate…

Alveda King challenges Planned Parenthood prez to abortion talk

Dr. Alveda King, the niece of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. has challenged the president of Planned Parenthood to an abortion talk. In April, Cecile Richards, president of Planned Parenthood claimed she wanted an “authentic public dialogue about abortion” in an op-Ed she wrote which was published in Time. In the article, Richards, whose Planned…

Large baby shower held by pro-life group opposing Planned Parenthood

A pro-life group in a California city has organized the “BIGGEST and BEST Baby Shower ever” to promote life in the face of a Planned Parenthood abortion clinic opening in the area. Thousands have spoken out against Planned Parenthood’s plans to perform abortions in the majority Hispanic community of El Centro. They have organized rallies…

Dr. Alveda King: Planned Parenthood sells abortion as birth control

During Black History Month, Dr. Alveda King discussed why abortion is prevalent within the Black community, stating that Planned Parenthood sells it as a means of birth control. According to the most recent report released by the Center for Disease Control, in 2011 almost 56% of all abortions reported for race were done on minority…