Large baby shower held by pro-life group opposing Planned Parenthood
A pro-life group in a California city has organized the “BIGGEST and BEST Baby Shower ever” to promote life in the face of a Planned Parenthood abortion clinic opening in the area. Thousands have spoken out against Planned Parenthood’s plans to perform abortions in the majority Hispanic community of El Centro. They have organized rallies…
A pro-life group in a California city has organized the “BIGGEST and BEST Baby Shower ever” to promote life in the face of a Planned Parenthood abortion clinic opening in the area.
Thousands have spoken out against Planned Parenthood’s plans to perform abortions in the majority Hispanic community of El Centro.
They have organized rallies and expressed their views before their city counsel..
The controversy over the Planned Parenthood abortion clinic even drew the attention of Alveda King, the niece of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., who recently addressed the council about Planned Parenthood’s targeting of minority communities.
In front of the El Centro counsel, King called Planned Parenthood a “well planned killing machine.”
It was outside that council meeting that pro-lifers held their unusual baby shower event.
Chris Nunn president of Imperial Valley Coalition for Life told the counsel about the baby shower, “Outside tonight we are celebrating the biggest baby shower on earth…It’s our way of saying as a coalition that we are here to help you young women if you should choose to keep your child.”
Nunn, who is also the pastor of Christ Community Church in El Centro, told Life Dynamics why they sponsored by the baby show.
“The Baby Shower for Life was an event sponsored by the Imperial Valley Coalition for Life with the intent of showing our community that we care,” he said.
“As a coalition, we felt it was important to do something positive in the midst of all of the controversy surrounding Planned Parenthood’s arrival in our valley. We wanted young women and men to know that we are serious about meeting their needs and serving them as they welcome their babies into the world. At our core, Imperial Valley Coalition for Life is not an activist organization and we don’t want to be seen as activists. We want to serve our communities as minsters of the gospel and as a conduit of hope for those who find themselves struggling with unplanned pregnancy,” he said.
Listen to Pastor Nunn address the counsel at 43:00 in the video below:
“Tonight is not about protest,” Pastor Nunn told the counsel.
“Tonight is about rallying the pro-life community together to celebrate hope and life and love,” he said.
The groups collected the following items that will be used to help women and families:
676 boxes of diapers
50 boxes and 144 packages of diaper wipes
10 car seats
9 strollers
2 Baby Chairs
5 Diaper Bags
Over 100 sets of clothing
40 sets of bottles
40 blankets
15 bath sets
50 bottles of shampoo & lotion
6 pack & play sets
The response by the pro-life community was so overwhelming that the Imperial Valley Coalition for Life has decided to make their Baby Shower for Life an annual event so that they can continue to provide for the needs of young families in the valley.
In addition, the group plans to open a pro-life health care clinic next to the Planned Parenthood site to offer a counseling center similar to Planned Parenthood, but without the contraceptives or abortion.
Pastor Nunn told the Imperial Valley Press that “friends of the coalition” bought the lot next to Planned Parenthood.
Until the pro-life facility opens, members of the Coalition say they will park in the lot and pray for the women as they go into Planned Parenthood.
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