Abortionist says pro-lifers outside clinic affects business
A Michigan abortion doctor who was forced to close his death mill after his lease was revoked indicated to pro-lifers that their presence outside clinics has a negative affect on a landlord’s decision to lease to abortion providers. Several months ago, pro-lifers in Lansing discovered that the space which the WomanCare abortion clinic leased was…
A Michigan abortion doctor who was forced to close his death mill after his lease was revoked indicated to pro-lifers that their presence outside clinics has a negative affect on a landlord’s decision to lease to abortion providers.
Several months ago, pro-lifers in Lansing discovered that the space which the WomanCare abortion clinic leased was rented on a month to month basis by 79 year-old abortionist Theodore Roumell who had plans to continue to do abortions.
New Life Center coordinator Cecilia Tombellia who headed regular protests in front of the killing center told Life Talk News that when pro-lifers heard of the rental agreement, they stepped in to take over his lease.
The monthly pro-life TV show, Life Talk interviewed Tombellia in March and she explained how side walk counselors outside the clinic used Life Dynamics’ Clinic Worker Posters to warn staff not to let their jobs put them in prison.
A few months after that interview, the Church of the Resurrection leased the building which housed the clinic.
According to Fr. Steve Mattson, pastor of the Church, abortionist Theodore Roumell was not offered time to find another location, but was issued a written statement telling him to vacate the premises.
The killing mill has now become a place that will save lives and has been renamed, New Life Center.
Tombellia now reports that after weeks of disappearing abortionist Theodore Roumell reappeared on Wednesday.
“The WomanCare clinic abortionist has been without a Lansing office since the October 1 takeover of his space, by the Diocese of Lansing and the Church of the Resurrection’s Fr. Steve Mattson. However, on Wednesday, he was back in town to finalize unfinished business with Matrix, the building owners at 1601 East Grand River…and that’s when he stopped in for a visit to the New Life Center,” she said.
Pro-lifers have been praying for Roumell for years so when he stopped in to pay his last two months rent and electrical bill a volunteer asked him if she could pray with him.
Celeste Paget was in the north suite of the New Life Center when the abortionist appeared.
“I’m Ted Roumell,” he said. The abortionist defended his killing as helping women who were either too young or too old to have babies or who had too many children already.
Celeste asked Roumell’s permission to pray for him. “Holy Spirit, come into our lives more deeply. If there are ways of thinking that are not your ways, please reveal that to us,” she said aloud.
The pro-lifers received confirmation from Roumell that their years of side walk counseling and prayers outside the killing center had an affect when Celeste asked the abortion doctor if he was planning to relocate in Lansing.
“I’m thinking about it,” said Roumell, “but landlords are leary when they think people will be on the sidewalk protesting.”
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