Alveda King challenges Planned Parenthood prez to abortion talk

Dr. Alveda King, the niece of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. has challenged the president of Planned Parenthood to an abortion talk. In April, Cecile Richards, president of Planned Parenthood claimed she wanted an “authentic public dialogue about abortion” in an op-Ed she wrote which was published in Time. In the article, Richards, whose Planned…

Dr. Alveda King, the niece of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. has challenged the president of Planned Parenthood to an abortion talk.

In April, Cecile Richards, president of Planned Parenthood claimed she wanted an “authentic public dialogue about abortion” in an op-Ed she wrote which was published in Time.

Cecile Richards abortion safe Time 2015

In the article, Richards, whose Planned Parenthood abortion organization gets half a billion in tax payer funding and provides the bulk of abortions in the country states, “ We are seriously overdue to have a public dialogue about abortion.”

When the article first came out, Life Dynamics published a blog which told Richards to “bring it on!”

This week, Dr. Alveda King, called a public abortion discussion, “long overdue” and challenged Planned Parenthood to an honest talk.

“Okay Cecile, Name a Time and a Place and Let’s Talk About Abortion,” Dr. Alveda King stated.

King pointed out that there are over 56.9 million dead babies stating, a third of them being Black babies.”.


Dr. Alveda King was featured in Life Dynamics’ film, Maafa21, documenting the founding of Planned Parenthood in racist eugenics.

Would Richards care to discuss that?

When we talk, let’s put euphemisms aside and let’s get down to the nitty-gritty,” Alveda King writes.

“Let’s be truthful with the public. Let’s be clear from the onset – we’re talking about ABORTION. Not reproductive rights. Not healthcare or access to healthcare. Not a woman’s right to do what she wants with her body because the baby is not her body,” King states.


Abortion, although legal, is certainly not safe as they would have you think. This is evident by the hundreds of women who have died from abortion with report after report of ambulances being called to abortion ‘clinics’ to transport patients to hospitals after botched abortions,” King says.

Life Dynamics has researched and published a list of women killed from legal abortion at the website

In addition to the physical dangers of abortion which are rarely discussed, Alveda King adds that, “Along with physical harm there’s psychological harm done by abortion as evident by the women and men of Silent No More Awareness Campaign; we speak openly of the harm of abortion on our lives.”

Cecile Richards 2 Planned Parenthood safe and legal abortion eugenics racism

Life Dynamics joins Alveda King in calling on Richards to have an honest abortion discussion.

Richards can begin by explaining why Planned Parenthood covers for child sexual predators.

A conversation Richards will be sure to avoid see why here.


  1. Rev. Brian Walker, Program Director, Pro-Life Action Ministries says:

    Bring it on Dr. Alveda. I hope that this throw-down will be taken up by Richards. She has every reason not to: Her position is indefensible and she has a worth opponent.

    She and other pro-aborts want to control the narrative and they do not want an “honest discussion”, we’ll see. Godspeed for your work.

  2. Tamiko Anderson says:

    Yes. The time is now. End Abortion. Abortion is so horrible there is no place for it in any civilized society. If intelligent people will not stop! abortion, abortion itself will annhililate any and all cultures. Let Abortion END because intelligent, educated, compassionate society says we can not exist/co-exist with abortion.

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