Episode 98 | The Grief of Miscarriage
This week on the Pro-Life America podcast, we talk with Donna Murphy, the Executive Director of Heaven’s Gain Ministries, about the pain and challenges of losing a baby in a miscarriage or stillbirth, its impact on families, and how legalized abortion has had an impact on our society’s view of miscarriage.
Episode Synopsis:
This week on the Pro-Life America podcast, we talk with Donna Murphy, the Executive Director of Heaven’s Gain Ministries, about the pain and challenges of losing a baby in a miscarriage or stillbirth, its impact on families, and how legalized abortion has had an impact on our society’s view of miscarriage.
Episode Duration: 26 min
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In This Episode We Discuss:
- Greetings (00:25)
- Introducing our guest & Heaven’s Gain Ministries (00:48)
- Do people treat mothers and fathers differently when it comes to miscarriage? (5:48)
- Parental rights to bury miscarried and stillborn children (8:48)
- The impact of legalized abortion on the our culture and the loss of a baby (14:32)
- “Angel-versaries” and Due Dates (17:46)
- Final Thoughts (25:23)
- Heaven’s Gain Ministries
- Heaven’s Gain Ministry Podcast: Let’s Talk Miscarriage and Stillbirth
- Pro-Life America Podcast Episode 96: The Importance of Men
- Rate & Review Our Podcast
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