Episode 96 | The Importance of Men
This week on the Pro-Life America podcast, we discuss the growing problem of fatherless homes, what this means for their children, and a potential driving factor of it that the left will never talk about. Plus, we talk about the difference between the role of men in the pro-life and pro-choice movements, and how this has created problems for the pro-choice side.
Episode Synopsis:
This week on the Pro-Life America podcast, we discuss the growing problem of fatherless homes, what this means for their children, and a potential driving factor of it that the left will never talk about. Plus, we talk about the difference between the role of men in the pro-life and pro-choice movements, and how this has created problems for the pro-choice side.
Episode Duration: 27 min
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In This Episode We Discuss:
- Greetings (00:23)
- Reading a comment from one of our listeners (00:30)
- This week’s topic… (3:22)
- Some statistics on Fatherlessness (6:37)
- The potential driving factor behind fatherless homes (8:50)
- The hypocrisy of the pro-choice side (12:00)
- The abortion lobby’s goal (14:14)
- The importance of men (24:16)
- Final Thoughts (26:43)
- Dem pollster: Women are less likely to support abortion rights than men – The Hill
- Learn About The Battle Ahead In Our Book, Siege.
- Statistics From The National Fatherhood Initiative
- Research & Statistics on Fatherless Homes – The Rochester Area Fatherhood Network
- The Changing Profile of Unmarried Parents – Pew Research
- Men like me benefit from safe abortion access – WBUR
- Pro-Life America Podcast Episode 40: How The Feminist Movement Was Hijacked By Abortion Advocates
- Video: Jax – Like My Father (Official Music Video)
- Revealed: The scientific Explanation Behind ‘Manspreading’ – The Independent
- Rate & Review Our Podcast
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