Episode 94 | Pro-Life Infighting

This week on the Pro-Life America podcast, we take a look at what a Post-Roe America could look like and the major division over Incrementalist vs Purist legislation that has caused infighting within the Pro-Life Movement – as well as pro-life legislation to fail. It’s time we settled this once and for all!

Episode Synopsis:

Controversial Topic Alert! This week on the Pro-Life America podcast, we take a look at what a Post-Roe America could look like and the major division over Incrementalist vs Purist legislation that has caused infighting within the Pro-Life Movement – as well as pro-life legislation to fail. It’s time we settled this once and for all!

Episode Duration: 25 min

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In This Episode We Discuss:
  1. Greetings (00:23)
  2. Supreme Court Nominee doesn’t know when life begins nor what a woman is (00:51)
  3. What does overturning Roe really mean? (3:30)
  4. Incrementalism Vs Purist Legislation (5:50)
  5. Advocating vs supporting a piece of legislation (7:21)
  6. A few analogies (9:14)
  7. The results of incremental legislation so far (12:43)
  8. Moving the needle of public opinion (13:35)
  9. The cost of pro-life infighting (18:52)
  10. The poor comparison between the battle over abortion & the battle over slavery (22:51)
  11. Final Thoughts (24:01)

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