Episode 85 | Surrogacy & IVF – Good or Bad?

To kick off the new year, we go back to basics and define what pro-life means and how it is different from simply being opposed to abortion. We also talk about why pro-lifers must be pro-life without exceptions, when does someone become a human being, sex selection abortions and more! This is an important episode for all pro-lifers!

Episode Synopsis:

Wonder why we disappeared suddenly for two weeks? Thank Coronavirus. In our first show back from COVID, we discuss the controversies over surrogacy and In Vitro Fertilization and why the pro-life movement needs to be discussing them. After listening to the episode, we invite listeners to share their opinion below!

Episode Duration: 22 min

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In This Episode We Discuss:
  1. Greetings (00:24)
  2. We survived COVID (00:42)
  3. Surrogacy and the current controversy (1:32)
  4. IVF (7:39)
  5. Children as a commodity? (17:09)
  6. Tripwire’s in debating abortion & getting back to our pro-life roots (19:06)
  7. Closing Statements (20:34)

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  1. Dave Melechinsky says:

    On surrogacy, IVF, and “getting back to our roots”: Yes, abortion is merely a mechanism for separating the unborn child from its life. But it’s more than that. Abortion exists primarily to divorce the reproductive act from its normal effect, which is reproduction. Its purpose is to promote pleasure without responsibility, to divorce cause from effect. It is intrinsically perverse for that reason alone. There are other perversities as well, including IVF, surrogacy, contraception, sodomy, and transgenderism, to name a few. All of these are revolts against God’s natural order, as all of them deliberately separate the reproductive act from reproduction.
    God has ordained BOTH that the act that brings new human life into the world should be enjoyable, AND that the act should bring new life and responsibility. For mankind to engineer sex without birth OR birth without sex is to shake his fist in the Face of God, and say “I know better than You!”. Our society is now reaping the penalty for that revolt– Having sought “freedom” from God’s Laws, we are becoming slaves, ruled by our enemies. Only mass repentance through prayer and penance can restore our freedom.

  2. I recommend looking at thembeforeus.com

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