Episode 79 | It’s National Adoption Month

November is National Adoption Month. In honor of this, we have Mark’s adopted daughter, Sheila, on to share her perspective growing up as an adopted kid in the pro-life movement; and to discuss the lies and myths about adoption, the stigma against teen pregnancy, the shortage of babies available for adoption – and more!

Episode Synopsis:

November is National Adoption Month. In honor of this, we have Mark’s adopted daughter, Sheila, on to share her perspective growing up as an adopted kid in the pro-life movement; and to discuss the lies and myths about adoption, the stigma against teen pregnancy, the shortage of babies available for adoption – and more!

Episode Duration: 27 min

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In This Episode We Discuss:
  • Sheila’s perspective growing up as an adopted kid in the pro-life movement
  • Lies & myths about adoption
  • The shortage of adoptable babies
  • The foster care system
  • Why adoption isn’t the solution to abortion
  • Why those who are pro-choice shouldn’t be able to adopt
  • The stigma against teen pregnancy

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