Episode 138 | What The Abortion Industry Doesn’t Want You To Know About Repeat Abortions
Are repeat abortions only a tiny fraction of the abortion rate? Are teens having multiple abortions? Does having multiple abortions impact a woman’s health? Is more contraception the answer? We answer all this and more in an episode revealing the truth about repeat abortion – and its effects – that the abortion industry can’t afford for people to hear.
Episode Synopsis:
Are repeat abortions only a tiny fraction of the abortion rate? Are teens having multiple abortions? Does having multiple abortions impact a woman’s health? Is more contraception the answer? We answer all this and more in an episode revealing the truth about repeat abortion – and its effects – that the abortion industry can’t afford for people to hear.
Episode Duration: 17 min
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In This Episode We Discuss:
- Greetings (00:24)
- YouTube pulls an episode of LifeTalk (00:35)
- This week’s topic (02:27)
- The rates of repeat abortions (03:00)
- Repeat abortion and teens (05:28)
- Repeat abortions and contraception (09:04)
- The health effects of repeat abortions (10:51)
- Other effects of repeat abortions (12:56)
- From The Mouth of Mark (14:50)
- Final Thoughts (15:48)
- Episode 64 of LifeTalk on Facebook
- Repeat Abortion, Repeat Unintended Pregnancy, Repeated and Misguided Government Policies – Guttmacher Institute
- How common are repeat abortions? – NICS Well
- Which Abortion Patients Have Had a Prior Abortion? Findings from the 2014 U.S. Abortion Patient Survey – NIH
- Abortions: Five teenagers among women who had at least their 6th termination in UK last year – SkyNews
- New Study: Rapid Repeat Pregnancy Most Common Among Women Who Have Abortions – Charlotte Lozier Institute
- Likelihood of repeat abortion in a Swedish cohort according to the choice of post-abortion contraception: a longitudinal study – AOGS
- Repeat abortions linked to premature birth, study suggests – BBC News
- Having three or more abortions ‘raises risk of premature birth and life-threatening problems in future pregnancies’ – Daily Mail
- Book: Women’s Health After Abortion: The Medical and Psychological Evidence
- Repeated abortion in adulthood induces cognition impairment in aged mice – nature.com
- NHS spends £1m a week on repeat abortions: Single women using terminations ‘as another form of contraceptive’ – Daily Mail
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