Episode 147 | Abortion Is “Sacred” To The Left

Is abortion a necessity for military readiness? A Biden administration official says “yes” – adding that abortion a “sacred obligation.” We discuss this and the growing list of men caught drugging pregnant women with abortion drugs, and a new “civility score” for podcasts and what that could mean for those who dare to tell the truth about abortion. Plus, recent interviews with a “pro-life politician,” reveals why we need to be asking the right questions about the unborn to those running for any office.

Episode Synopsis:

Is abortion a necessity for military readiness? A Biden administration official says “yes” – adding that abortion a “sacred obligation.” We discuss this and the growing list of men caught drugging pregnant women with abortion drugs, and a new “civility score” for podcasts and what that could mean for those who dare to tell the truth about abortion. Plus, recent interviews with a “pro-life politician,” reveals why we need to be asking the right questions about the unborn to those running for any office.

Episode Duration: 20 min

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In This Episode We Discuss:
  • Greetings (00:25)
  • Small announcement (00:38)
  • A Civility Score for podcasts? (01:09)
  • NY man charged with slipping woman abortion drugs (04:58)
  • John Kirby: Abortion is a “Sacred Obligation” for military leaders (07:46)
  • DeSantis dodges answering if he will sign a federal six-week abortion ban (15:39)
  • From The Mouth of Mark (19:31)
  • Final Thoughts (20:13)

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