Primetime Propaganda

Primetime Propaganda

There is a natural connection between politics and culture and no one knows this better than the abortion lobby. They understand that the perception, and the stigma, of abortion affects not just its legality, but everything down to who is willing to walk through an abortion clinic’s front door. That is why the pro-choice side…

The Abortion Industry’s Full-Faced Helmet is Their Survival

The Abortion Industry’s Full-Faced Helmet is Their Survival

“Our secrecy is our survival. Our survival is our strength.” “Our secrecy is our survival. Our survival is our strength.”  This quote perfectly describes the abortion industry. The abortion lobby and their minions push a particular public image that they don’t want people seeing past. They wave the words “choice” and “reproductive rights” around to…

The Stain Of Their Shed Blood

The Stain Of Their Shed Blood

The parallels between the modern-day holocaust and the Nazi Holocaust are eerie. Despite some peoples’ attempts to forget these holocausts because they feel uncomfortable, sad or like to think that something that horrible could never take place – the world must face the truth. The blood of the innocent cries out and will always leave a stain on our world.

America Is Under Attack

America Is Under Attack

It would be easy to conclude that our country is teetering on the edge of total collapse. Riots. Looting. Tearing down statues. The cancel culture. The pandemic. Lawlessness. Chaos. Terror. At the heart of it all is the loss of the nation’s moral bearings. The fact that it is perfectly legal for a mom to…

The Unpopular Truth About “Pro-Life Democrats”

The Unpopular Truth About “Pro-Life Democrats”

I would love to believe in the concept of “pro-life Democrats” but that requires me to deny some undeniable realities. To begin with, these people support a political party that has consistently demonstrated an unwavering commitment to killing the unborn for any reason whatsoever or no reason whatsoever, and at any point of pregnancy. They…