#120 – The Major Distinction Between Abortion & Amputation
Sometimes the pro-choice side will equate elective abortion to amputation. But are these two things morally equivalent? Let’s take a look…
Sometimes the pro-choice side will equate elective abortion to amputation. But are these two things morally equivalent? Let’s take a look…
Some abortion defenders say that abortion is not murder because the fetus is not fully developed. But that doesn’t make it okay to kill them.
The pro-choice side has accused the pro-life movement of being a bunch of “anti-choice extremists who are trying to force their religious beliefs on everyone else.” Since “choice” means having the legal right to butcher defenseless children, then we are indeed anti-choice. But as for the claim that we are trying pass laws to force our theological views on others, that is idiocy.
Pro-choice people often asks the pro-lifers whether we are willing to adopt all the unwanted children who will be born if abortion is outlawed. Regardless of the answer, the real issue is that the basis of their argument is preposterous to begin with.
You often hear people talk about “the miracle of child birth.” But could we be accidentally reinforcing pro-choice rhetoric?
The pro-choice position is that the unborn do not have an inherent right-to-life. Instead, that right is something that can be bestowed on them, or withheld from them, by those who have already been born.
The abortion lobby warns that, without abortion, America would be overrun with babies nobody wants. Now if they are not lying, let’s pass federal legislation that creates a national registry of people who want to adopt a baby.
The abortion lobby tries to justify slaughtering the unborn is by claiming that no one knows when life begins. But let’s think about it for a minute…
The pro-choice side argues that abortions before viability are okay since the child cannot survive if he or she is removed from the mother’s womb. But this argument is so illogical it’s laughable.
Some abortion supporters will say that, because pregnancies often end in miscarriage, this means that God is okay with children dying in the womb. Watch to see why this argument is just a textbook example of the mind games the abortion lobby has to play.