#65 – The fundamental question about abortion
When the abortion lobby says that the issue is not abortion, but “choice” and “who decides,” what they are literally saying is that whether an abortion is the intentional killing of a living human being or not has nothing to do with whether it should be legal or not.
Welcome to our new series, “Abortion Distortion,” where we turn the tables and make the pro-choice side defend the illogical, deceptive and immoral nature of their positions!
Like how the most fundamental question will always be whether abortion causes the death of a living human being or not. But when the abortion lobby says that the issue is not abortion, but “choice” and “who decides,” what they are literally saying is that whether an abortion is the intentional killing of a living human being or not has nothing to do with whether it should be legal or not.
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When the abortion lobby says that the issue is not abortion, but “choice” and “who decides,” what they are literally saying is that whether an abortion is the intentional killing of a living human being or not has nothing to do with whether it should be legal or not.
It’s an astounding argument, but from day one these people have known that they could never defend abortion itself. So they came up with this “choice” and “who decides” strategy as a way to keep having to defend it. It’s as simple as that. But of course, the most fundamental question will always be whether abortion causes the death of a living human being or not. And no society can honestly call itself civilized while saying that the answer to that question doesn’t matter. In reality, it’s the only thing that does matter.
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More Abortion Distortions:
#49 – Is The Majority of America Pro-Life OR Pro-Choice?
Ever since Roe v. Wade was trashed, the abortion lobby has ratcheted up their claims that the vast majority of Americans are pro-choice. But is this the reality?
#70 – “Those Graphic Abortion Photos Are Fake!”
The pro-choice side goes ballistic anytime we show the public photographs of what an abortion actually looks like – and often claims that these images are fake. Of course the real question is, if the images are fake why don’t they just show the real images?
#91 – Who’s Really At Fault For illegal Abortions?
The pro-choice side claims that our efforts to protect the unborn will cause women to die in illegal abortions. But is that really true?