#79 – Survey Says…
The abortion lobby claims that there is a pro-choice majority in America. But what do most Americans actually think about abortion? Let’s dive in…
Welcome to our new series, “Abortion Distortion,” where we turn the tables and make the pro-choice side defend the illogical, deceptive and immoral nature of their positions!
Like how the abortion lobby claims that there is a pro-choice majority in America. But what do most Americans actually think about abortion? Let’s dive in…
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The abortion lobby claims that there is a pro-choice majority in America. But when people are asked specific questions about when, and under what circumstances, abortion should be legal, almost none of them say it should be legal on-demand up to the moment of birth without restrictions. Even most of those who identify as pro-choice say it should be limited to the so-called “hard cases” like rape, incest, to save the mother’s life, and fetal deformity. And since even statistics put out by the abortion industry show that only a tiny fraction of abortions are done for those reasons, that means most people do not support most of the abortions that are actually done. The simple fact is, abortion is being used as back-up birth control, and no poll has ever shown anything close to majority support for that.
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More Abortion Distortions:
#35 – “You Can Be Pro-Choice And Christian.”
Some people claim that they can be pro-choice and Christian at the same time. That is nonsense.
#41 – “Abortion IS Healthcare!”
The abortion lobby desperately tries to convince the public that abortion is healthcare. But even studies from the U.S. government and the abortion industry itself prove that’s far from the truth…
#95 – Downplaying Abortion As A “Simple Procedure”
The abortion lobby tries to down play what happens in an abortion by describing it as a simple procedure that only takes a few minutes. The question is, so what?