#80 – The Conscience Of A Nation
The pro-choice side says that women almost never regret their abortions. It’s a lie, but let’s say for a moment that it’s true…
Welcome to our new series, “Abortion Distortion,” where we turn the tables and make the pro-choice side defend the illogical, deceptive and immoral nature of their positions!
Like how the pro-choice side says that women almost never regret their abortions. It’s a lie they tell to make abortion — and abortionists — seem less disgusting. But let’s say for a moment that it’s true…
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The pro-choice mob says that women almost never regret their abortions. It’s a lie they tell to make abortion — and abortionists — seem less disgusting. But let’s say for a moment that it’s true. So what?
The reality is, every pregnant woman knows what she is pregnant with, and if her maternal instincts have decayed to the point that she can hire some abortion industry psychopath to kill that baby – and then have no remorse about it – it could mean that she has no conscience. Ironically, it may be that women who are emotionally or psychologically damaged by their abortions, are mentally healthier than those who are not. We also need to ask ourselves what the long-term future is for a nation that produces large numbers of people who are capable of killing their own children with no regrets.
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More Abortion Distortions:
#84 – Where’s The Payoff?
The pro-choice side pushes abortion as a solution to social problems. And yet, the social problems America faced when we began this holocaust, haven’t gotten better – they’ve gotten worse.
#81 – “We Shouldn’t Be Bringing More Children Into The World!”
You often hear the pro-choice side trying to rationalize abortion by saying that, the way things are going today, we shouldn’t be bringing more children into the world.
#23 – “Doctors Don’t Do Abortions For The Money”
The abortion lobby says that their doctors don’t do abortions for the money since there is more money in delivering babies than doing abortions. But that’s irrelevant. See why…