#24 – “Following The Science” On Abortion
The left always is always lecturing the rest of us to “follow the science.” But somehow, when the abortion issue comes up, all of a sudden science is off the table.
The left always is always lecturing the rest of us to “follow the science.” But somehow, when the abortion issue comes up, all of a sudden science is off the table.
The pro-life movement is often attacked for opposing fetal tissue research and embryonic stem cell research when it might save so many lives. But the truth is, we have never opposed any kind of responsible medical research.
This week, we discuss amazing news such as the first ever life saving brain surgery on a baby in the womb and the unveiling of a pro-life statue. But we also have to discuss the wave of pro-choice activist professors and their antics on campuses, teens being butchered by legal abortion, and why Planned Parenthood is changing its focus going forward. So listen this week to get the good, the bad, and the truly ugly abortion related news.
This week on the Pro-Life America podcast, we discuss how Democrats are rallying against protecting babies born alive during abortions and calling it “extreme.” Meanwhile, new research by the Abortion Survivors Network reveals that 1,900+ children are “potentially” surviving abortions each year in the U.S. – contradicting claims from the left that abortion survivors are rare. And as some states are setting up to become abortion tourist hotspots, some pharmacies are expressing hesitation over offering the abortion pill in response to the FDA’s decision last week.
This week on the Pro-Life America podcast, we talk about the culture of death, the glorifying of assisted suicide, and how abortion is the root of it all.
Did you know we take listener questions? Listener Suzette asks “ … [I] often have discussions with people. I’m having a hard time with the response ‘I know it’s a human life that’s being ended but I’m ok with that.’… How do I respond to that?… [Also] I often get that remark that says abortion is safer than birth and they provide sources. I’m having problems finding sources that say otherwise.” So this week, we discuss the “abortion is safer than birth” argument that the pro-choice side likes to use and other pro-choice rhetoric!
America’s disease is that we have lost respect for human life – and we all know it.
To kick off the new year, we go back to basics and define what pro-life means and how it is different from simply being opposed to abortion. We also talk about why pro-lifers must be pro-life without exceptions, when does someone become a human being, sex selection abortions and more! This is an important episode for all pro-lifers!
What would the world look like if we saw things from a child’s perspective, from a point of innocence which hasn’t been drastically corrupted by the world?
Dear Pro-Choicer, Yes, you! The one who says, “I’m not for abortion; I’m for choice.” Well, what do you think that choice is? Have you actually looked at what that “choice” entails, or are you too busy trying to deny the facts to make yourself feel better? Here’s a reality check… The “choice” that you…