#47 – “Every Child Should Be A Wanted Child.”
One of the pro-choice mob’s standard rationalizations for abortion is that every child should be a wanted child. In other words, as long as we label a child “unwanted,” it should be legal to kill them.
Welcome to our new series, “Abortion Distortion,” where we turn the tables and make the pro-choice side defend the illogical, deceptive and immoral nature of their positions!
Like how one of the pro-choice side’s standard rationalizations for abortion is that every child should be a “wanted child.” Meaning, if a child is labeled “unwanted,” it should be legal to kill them. But as we reveal, the right to life of a human being is not is not determined by whether someone else wants them or not.
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One of the pro-choice mob’s standard rationalizations for abortion is that every child should be a wanted child. In other words, as long as we label a child “unwanted,” it should be legal to kill them.
Of course, the truth is that the right to life of a human being is not is not determined by whether someone else wants them or not. In fact, there are large groups of people that the world might classify as unwanted, but that does not mean it’s okay to kill them. In the case of abortion, the pro-choice mob wants us to assume that all unwanted pregnancies produce unwanted children. It’s a lie, but even if it was true, it doesn’t change the fact that the unborn are living human beings who have a right not to be killed.
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More Abortion Distortions:
#54 – If Abortion Solves Social Problems, When Do We Start Seeing Results?
One of the abortion lobby’s sales pitches is that abortion solves social problems. They’ve had decades to prove their point and no one can say that they’ve been stingy in carrying out the death sentences. So when can we start seeing results?
#18 – “Abortions often allow women to have successful careers!”
The pro-choice side argues that abortions often allow women to have successful careers that they could not have had if they were saddled with a baby. And if their point is that it’s possible to profit from killing other people, they’re right. In fact, it happens all the time. But is that really a justification for the intentional killing of another human being?
#85 – Is Abstinence Realistic?
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