#45 – Why The “No Uterus, No Opinion” Argument Is A Sham
The pro-choice mob often screams things like, “no uterus – no opinion.” Don’t be fooled into thinking that their contempt for the opinions of men means that they have respect for the opinions of women. They don’t. The motivation behind this argument isn’t what you think…
Welcome to our new series, “Abortion Distortion,” where we turn the tables and make the pro-choice side defend the illogical, deceptive and immoral nature of their positions!
Like how the pro-choice mob often screams things like, “no uterus – no opinion.” Don’t be fooled into thinking that their contempt for the opinions of men means that they have respect for the opinions of women. They don’t. The motivation behind this argument isn’t what you think…
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The pro-choice mob often screams things like, “no uterus – no opinion.” It seems that they believe someone’s ability to make rational and unbiased decisions, and their right to express those decisions, is somehow connected to their reproductive system.
But setting that idiocy aside, don’t be fooled into thinking that their contempt for the opinions of men means that they have respect for the opinions of women. They don’t, and it’s proven any time there is a confrontation between a pro-choice man and a pro-life woman. In every case, the abortion lobby will throw her under the bus, even though he doesn’t have a uterus. The fact is, these people are trying to silence anyone who thinks women deserve better than abortion, and they’re counting on this “no uterus” nonsense to pick off the men.
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More Abortion Distortions:
#2 – Genocide is easier to sell when no one sees it but the killers
The pro-choice mob goes ballistic when pro-lifers show graphic images of abortion to the public. Of course, pictures of abortion are disgusting and barbaric, but only because abortion itself is disgusting and barbaric. What’s even more disgusting and barbaric, is that what’s shown in those photos is tolerated in a society that considers itself to be civilized.
#9 – What A Post Abortion America Looks Like
The pro-choice mob – along with their stooges in the media – have promised that a whole catalogue of disasters is waiting for us if states pass laws that prohibit abortion. But we have decades of real-world experience to show us what a post abortion America REALLY looks like.
#61 – “Nobody Really Knows When Life Begins!”
The pro-choice crowd has always claimed that no one knows when life begins. But modern technology – like ultrasound – has made that statement ridiculous.