#89 – A National Registry Of People Wanting To Adopt?
The abortion lobby warns that, without abortion, America would be overrun with babies nobody wants. Now if they are not lying, let’s pass federal legislation that creates a national registry of people who want to adopt a baby.
Welcome to our new series, “Abortion Distortion,” where we turn the tables and make the pro-choice side defend the illogical, deceptive and immoral nature of their positions!
Like how the abortion lobby warns that, without abortion, America would be overrun with babies nobody wants. Let’s assume for a moment that they’re not lying. Here’s a proposal – let’s pass federal legislation that creates a national registry of people who want to adopt a baby. Of course, the pro-choice side would never go along with this. Watch to see why.
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The abortion lobby warns that, without abortion, America would be overrun with babies nobody wants. Now if they are not lying, I have a proposal.
Let’s pass federal legislation that creates a national registry of people who want to adopt a baby. It would be open to any adult who can meet reasonable requirements, and they could adopt one baby or as many as they can care for. Then, any pregnant woman could go to this registry and, if no one was willing to adopt her baby, she would be allowed to have an abortion. But if someone was willing to adopt her baby, she would not be allowed to have an abortion. Of course, the pro-choice mob would never go along with this because it would instantly wipe out their customer base. They are fully aware that every child they are paid to butcher is wanted by someone. Every child.
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More Abortion Distortions:
#17 – Do Pro-Lifers Oppose Fetal Tissue Research & Embryonic Stem Cell Research?
The pro-life movement is often attacked for opposing fetal tissue research and embryonic stem cell research when it might save so many lives. But the truth is, we have never opposed any kind of responsible medical research.
#14 – “Women Have A Right To Control Their Own Bodies!”
The pro-choice side often defends abortion with the argument that women have a right to control their own bodies. Of course, this assumes that the unborn child is part of the mother’s body and ignores the biological reality that they are separate individuals.
#35 – “You Can Be Pro-Choice And Christian.”
Some people claim that they can be pro-choice and Christian at the same time. That is nonsense.