#42 – Are You Pro-Choice With Exceptions?
Some people claim to be “pro-life” while at the same time saying that abortion should be allowed in some situations. In other words, they are “pro-choice with exceptions.” See why…
Welcome to our new series, “Abortion Distortion,” where we turn the tables and make the pro-choice side defend the illogical, deceptive and immoral nature of their positions!
But some times it is also necessary to expose the illogical arguments of those who claim to be “pro-life.” For example, some people claim to be “pro-life” while at the same time saying that abortion should be allowed in some situations. In other words, they are “pro-choice with exceptions.” See why…
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When people claim to be pro-life, while at the same time saying that abortion should be allowed in some situations, what they are actually saying is that they support the “choice” to kill certain babies but oppose the “choice” to kill others. In other words, they are “pro-choice with exceptions.”
Remember, the only basis for the pro-life position is that a new human life is created at the moment of fertilization. So when someone says that they are pro-life but that some abortions should be allowed, their position is that the unborn are living human beings, but it’s okay to kill some of them. By definition, that means they are not pro-life. For the person who is legitimately pro-life, there is never an excuse that justifies intentionally taking the life of any unborn child.
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More Abortion Distortions:
#11 – Can The Government Force Women To Have Abortions?
The pro-choice claims claims that any government that can tell a woman she can’t have an abortion, can also tell her she has to have one. The fact is, the only women who have ever been forced by their governments to have abortions, live in countries where abortion is legal – not illegal.
#58 – “The fetus depends on the woman for survival. So it’s her body, her choice.”
The pro-choice mob often defends abortions before viability on the basis that the unborn are dependent on someone else to survive. But if an unborn baby has no right to life simply because he or she is unable to survive without help, then there are others who have no right to life either.
#49 – Is The Majority of America Pro-Life OR Pro-Choice?
Ever since Roe v. Wade was trashed, the abortion lobby has ratcheted up their claims that the vast majority of Americans are pro-choice. But is this the reality?