#5 – Have Thousands Really Died From Back-Alley Abortions?
The abortion lobby says that women used to die by the thousands every year from back-alley abortions. The truth is, they have been lying about this issue from day one!
Welcome to our new series, “Abortion Distortion,” where we turn the tables and make the pro-choice side defend the illogical, deceptive and immoral nature of their positions!
Like how the the abortion lobby says that women used to die by the thousands every year from back-alley abortions. The truth is, they have been lying about this issue from day one!
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The abortion lobby says that women used to die by the thousands every year from back-alley abortions.
Yet almost every study ever done on this subject has found that this claim has been wildly exaggerated and that most illegal abortions were actually done by licensed physicians who were simply breaking the law. In fact, in nineteen eighty six, even the radically pro-abortion Guttmacher Institute published data showing that in the fifteen years prior to the legalization of abortion, the average number of American women dying from illegal abortions was one hundred and thirty six per year and dropping.
The truth is, the pro-choice mob has been lying about this issue from day one and they continue to tell this lie because they know that their flunkeys in the media will never call them on it.
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More Abortion Distortions:
#15 – Why Some Admit The Unborn Are Living Human Beings But Still Say Abortion Should Be Legal
Many people will concede that the unborn are living human beings, but then turn right around and say it should be legal to intentionally kill them. Of course, the explanation for this is both obvious and ugly.
#13 – When A Woman Says She Hasn’t DECIDED Whether To “Have The Baby” Or Not.
In today’s culture, it is not uncommon for a woman to say that she is has not decided whether to “have the baby” or not. But the truth is, it is physically impossible for a pregnant woman to not have her baby.
#58 – “The fetus depends on the woman for survival. So it’s her body, her choice.”
The pro-choice mob often defends abortions before viability on the basis that the unborn are dependent on someone else to survive. But if an unborn baby has no right to life simply because he or she is unable to survive without help, then there are others who have no right to life either.