Episode 55 | Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez: “I am a Planned Parenthood Baby!”

Episode 55 | Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez: “I am a Planned Parenthood Baby!”

During a meeting of the House Oversight and Reform Committee recently, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez hailed Planned Parenthood, claiming that their “prenatal care” saved “many babies” including herself. But Planned Parenthood’s own employees have been recorded saying that they don’t offer “prenatal care.” Special guest, Sheila Crutcher, joins us to discuss myth vs reality regarding the services that Planned Parenthood offers and the hypocrisy of pro-choice politicians who push them as healthcare for the poor.

Episode 53 | “Financial Abortions” For Men?

Episode 53 | “Financial Abortions” For Men?

A recent article entitled, “Should Men Be Able to Opt-Out of Fatherhood? The pros and cons of “financial abortions” is just the latest of many articles debating the idea of “financial abortions.” We reveal just what a “financial abortion” is and its origins. Plus, we discuss biological realities vs our society’s twisted views on responsibility, and the legal quagmire that “Roe” and “Doe” created.

Episode 49 | Is There REALLY A War On Women, Or Is It A War On Men?

Episode 49 | Is There REALLY A War On Women, Or Is It A War On Men?

It seems like everyday, there is more talk about toxic masculinity, more examples of male bashing, and how “cis men” are the problem. We discuss this troubling trend in our culture and how a number of serious problems that males are facing are being completely ignored. This controversial episode leaves you asking, does modern feminism have the solution, or is it part of the problem?

The Abortion Industry’s Full-Faced Helmet is Their Survival

The Abortion Industry’s Full-Faced Helmet is Their Survival

“Our secrecy is our survival. Our survival is our strength.” “Our secrecy is our survival. Our survival is our strength.”  This quote perfectly describes the abortion industry. The abortion lobby and their minions push a particular public image that they don’t want people seeing past. They wave the words “choice” and “reproductive rights” around to…